Albert Einstein High School
Athletic Hall of Fame and Alumni Association

Albert Einstein High School ** 62nd Anniversary ** 09/1962 - 09/2024

Past Reunions

Alumni Association

Past Reunions

Class Year Reunion Date Place/Events Contact Name Contact Email FB Group Website
1964 50 5/22/2014 Constitution Hall and luncheon in Kensington, MD
1966 50 5/30/2016 Constitution Hall, Rockville Ale House and Luncheon at Einstein HS
1967 50 10/8/2017 Courtyard by Marriott Chevy Chase Hotel
1968 55 9/9/2023 Courtyard Gaithersburg Washingtonian Center
1968 40 10/2/2009
1970 43 7/20/2013 Hampton Inn, 20260 Goldenrod Lane, Germantown, MD
1970 50 7/17/2021 Bethesda North Marriott and Confernce Center
1970 45 7/17/2015
1970 42 7/20/2012 Class of 70 turns 60
1971 50+ 6/8-9/2024 Class of 71 turns 71-Lone Oak Farm Brewing Company; Wheaton Regional Park
1972 50 10/8/2022 Argyle Country Club, Silver Spring, MD
1973 50 9/3/2023 Gaithersburg Holiday Inn-casual gathering and semi-formal dinner
1974 40 6/20/2014 Happy Hour, Mike Cissel Memorial Golf Tournament to benefit Crohns & Colitis Foundation, dinner and brunch.
1974 50 9/28/2024 Class of 74 turns 70 - Rosensteel Knights of Columbus Hall
1975 40 10/3/2015 Courtyard Gaithersburg Washingtonian Center
1976 40 7/16/2016 OPA Kouzina, Frederick, MD
1977 40 9/23/2017 High Point Farm, Clarksburg, MD
1978 35 9/28/2013 Knights of Columbus, Silver Spring, MD
1978 40 10/13/2018 Knights of Columbus, Silver Spring, MD
1984 30 10/12/2014 Norbeck Country Club, Rockville, MD
1984 40 10/12/2024 Montgomery Country Club, Laytonsville, MD
Class Year Reunion Date Place/Events Contact Name Contact Email FB Group Website
1985 30 2/27/2015 Montgomery Country Club, Laytonsville, MD
1986 30 7/2/2016 Norbeck Country Club, Rockville, MD
1992 30 7/23/2022 Guapo's, Bethesda, MD AEHS Class of 1992
1994 20 10/10/2014 Homecoming Game and Family Picnic at Cabin John Park
1995 20 10/8/2015
1996 20 10/8/2016 Norbeck Country Club, Rockville, MD Albert Einstein HS Class of 1996 Reunion
1997 20 7/9/1905 Class of 1997 Reunion
1964-66 44-46 10/15/2010 Einstein HS; Rosensteed KofC Hall; Mamma Lucia's
1964-67 50 10/2/2015
1967-73 40-46 7/6/2013
1968-72 38-42 7/10/2010 Bolger Center, Bethesda, MD John Awad/Liz Sheard;
AEHS AEHS 50 9/6/2012 AEHS 50th Anniversary
2007 10 7/9/2017 Kendric McCleod
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